Karyn McCluskey, Chief Executive for Community Justice Scotland, to deliver plenary speech at LEPH2019

Karyn McCluskey, Chief Executive, Community Justice Scotland.

Karyn worked in the police for 22 years in Sussex, Lancashire, West Mercia, Strathclyde and Police Scotland. In 2016 Karyn took up the post of Chief Executive for Community Justice Scotland.

In 2004 Karyn and John Carnochan set up the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit which addressed violence as a public health problem in Scotland. They developed injury surveillance, gang intervention and gang exit, and focused on preventing knife carrying, injury and passionate advocates of early years support and the role of trauma. She helps support Medics Against Violence charity in Scotland, set up in conjunction with the Violence Reduction Unit.

Karyn trained as a registered nurse, has a B.Sc and M.Sc in Psychology and is a fellow by distinction of the Faculty of Public Health. She received Honorary Doctorate from University of Glasgow for work on prevention of violence and an Honorary Masters from the Open University. She was presented with the Presidents Medal from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 2018 for work on violence prevention and the Saltire award. She has worked in a variety of areas within the NHS, East Africa and HM Prisons. She has published work on Armed Robbery teams, Alcohol and Violence Interventions in a clinical setting and Violence Reduction.

She is a board member of Simon Community Scotland tackling homelessness and is on the Board of the Scottish Professional Football League.


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