M7 Highlight: Early Action Together Programme

Program Highlight:   Early Action Together Programme: moving from understanding to operationalising trauma-informed policing in Wales (M7)


On Day 2 of LEPH2019 delegates may be interested in learning more about the Early Action Together Programme

10.30am: Early Action Together Programme: moving from understanding to operationalising trauma-informed policing in Wales.

CONVENER: Michelle McManusEarly Action Together Programme, Public Health Wales

  1. Michelle McManus,
    Early Action Together Programme Public Health Wales
    Effectiveness of the ACE TIME training (part of the EAT programme) on the police workforce in increasing awareness of ACE related trauma and impact across the life course; in enabling individuals to competently and confidently respond to vulnerability using ACE informed approach and supporting a whole systems approach between police & partners in preventing and mitigating ACEs
  2. Emma Barton,
    Senior Public Health Researcher for Public Health and Policing, Early Action Together Programme, Public Health Wales
    Understanding the police landscape across Wales in responding to vulnerability
  3. Helen Douglas,
    North Wales Police, National Early Action Together Programme, Public Health Wales, &
    Vicky Jones,
    North Wales Local Partnership, Early Action Together Programme, Public Health Wales
    The reality – ‘Early Action Together’: operationalising the recommendations from research

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